Inside Mac Games Volume 5 #3
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Character Master
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STR# 1001 Help strings
DIALOG 1000 Error Dialog
1.1 Click this to dismiss the error dialog. But it might be helpful to read it first.
2.2 This little icon is telling you to Halt and read this dialog. Pretty, isn't it?
4.2 Ah, the important bit. This tells you what error occurred, and if your lucky, how to deal ¬
with it. Its at times like this you wish you had a large hammer to hand…
DIALOG 3000 My Stop
1.1 Click this to dismiss this dialog. But it might be helpful to read it first.
2.2 This little icon is telling you to Halt and read this dialog. Pretty, isn't it?
3.2 Ah, the important bit. This is what I am trying to tell you about.
DIALOG 3001 My Caution
1.1 Click this to dismiss this dialog. But it might be helpful to read it first.
2.2 This little icon tells you that this is a warning dialog. Pretty, isn't it?
3.2 Ah, the important bit. This is what I am trying to warn you about.
DIALOG 3002 My Note
1.1 Click this to dismiss this dialog. But it might be helpful to read it first.
2.2 This little icon is tells you to take note of this dialog. Pretty, isn't it?
3.2 Ah, the important bit. This is what I am trying to tell you about.
DIALOG 3003 Confirm Close
1.1 Click this to save changes to the character before closing it.
2.1 Click this to cancel and go back to editing the character.
3.1 Click this to close the character without saving changes.
4.2 This tells you what character this dialog is referring to.
DIALOG 136 About Box
1.1 Click this to dismiss this dialog.
2.2 This tells you about Realmz Character Editor. Well, OK it allows ¬
me to waffle a bit… (if you are looking at the scroll that is. Other wise ¬
its just a picture)
DIALOG 130 Edit Normal Info Dialog
1.1 This value represents the characters Strength.
1 This value represents the characters Intelligence.
1 This value represents the characters Wisdom.
1 This value represents the characters Dexterity.
1 This value represents the characters Constitution.
1 This value represents the characters Karma.
1 This value represents the characters Luck.
1 This value represents the characters Movement.
1 This value represents the characters current level.
1 This value represents the characters Missile Adjust percentage.
1 This value represents the characters Dodge Missile percentage.
1 This value represents the characters Two Hand Adjust percentage.
1 This value represents the characters resistance to Charm.
1 This value represents the characters resistance to Heat.
1 This value represents the characters resistance to Cold.
1 This value represents the characters resistance to Electrical attacks.
1 This value represents the characters resistance to Chemical attacks.
1 This value represents the characters resistance to Mental attacks.
1 This value represents the characters resistance to Magic attacks.
1 This value represents the characters resistance to Special attacks.
1 This value represents the characters experience. Characters gain levels if this value is ¬
above 0.
1 This value represents the characters bonus Damage when attacking.
1 This value represents the characters chance of hitting something with an ¬
Armour Class of 0.
1 This value represents the characters current Spell Points.
1 This value represents the characters maximum Spell Points.
1 This value represents the characters current Stamina.
1 This value represents the characters maximum Stamina.
1 This value represents the characters Armour Category. The lower the value ¬
the less chance the character has of being hit.
1 This value represents the characters resistance to magical spells. This only affects ¬
the characters resistance harmful spells.
1 This value represents how much gold the character has. Note: Gold is VERY heavy so ¬
keep this value below 300 or so otherwise your movement goes down a lot. It certainly ¬
makes running away hard…
1 This value represents how many gems the character has. Note: 1 gem is worth about ¬
100 gold pieces and weighs much less so this is the best treasure ¬
to carry. Unfortunately, unlike certain small plastic rectangles, an innkeeper is ¬
unlikely to accept this.
1 This value represents how much jewellery the character has, and I'm not talking Mr.T here. ¬
Note: Jewellery is fairly heavy so don't carry too much. You shouldn't have to though¬
, each piece of jewellery is worth several gems.
1 This is the characters name. If you change this, you will have to Import your character ¬
into Realmz. Its annoying I know, but if I ever get round to releasing another version ¬
of Character Master, I'll fix it. And hey, stop complaining, this is free…
1 This allows you to edit what good conditions the character has like being shielded from hits ¬
or blessed.
1 This allows you to edit what bad conditions the character has like being helpless ¬
or animated.
36.1 This allows you edit what spells a character has.
36.2 This allows you edit what spells a character has. Not available because the current ¬
character class cannot cast spells.
37.1 This allows you to edit the characters Special Info such as its ability to disarm a trap ¬
or detect a secret area.
1 This allows you to edit the characters Special Abilities such as +1 to Hit Magic Using.
DIALOG 131 Edit Special Abilities Dialog
1.1 Gets rid of this dialog and changes the characters Special Abilities to what is shown.
1 Gets rid of this dialog without changing the characters Special Abilities.
1 Shows what bonus damage the character will do when attacking a Magic Using opponent.
1 Shows what bonus damage the character will do when attacking an Undead opponent.
1 Shows what bonus damage the character will do when attacking a Demonic opponent.
1 Shows what bonus damage the character will do when attacking a Reptilian opponent.
1 Shows what bonus damage the character will do when attacking an Evil Creature.
1 Shows what bonus damage the character will do when attacking an Intelligent opponent.
1 Shows what bonus damage the character will do when attacking a Giant opponent.
1 Shows what bonus damage the character will do when attacking a Non Humanoid opponent.
DIALOG 132 Edit Special Abilities Dialog
1.1 Gets rid of this dialog and changes the characters Special Info to what is shown.
1 Gets rid of this dialog without changing the characters Special Info.
1 Shows the percentage chance for the character to Back Stab.
1 Shows the percentage chance for the character to Hide In Shadows.
1 Shows the percentage chance for the character to have a Successful Resurrection.
1 Shows the percentage chance for the character to cause a Critical Hit.
1 Shows the percentage chance for the character to Detect a Secret Area.
1 Shows the percentage chance for the character to perform an Acrobatic act.
1 Shows the percentage chance for the character to Detect a Trap.
1 Shows the percentage chance for the character to Disarm a Trap.
1 Shows the percentage chance for the character to Hear a Noise.
1 Shows the percentage chance for the character to Bend Bars or Force a Door.
1 Shows the percentage chance for the character to Move Silently.
1 Shows the percentage chance for the character to Pick a Lock.
1 Shows the percentage chance for the character to Pick a Pocket.
1 Shows the percentage chance for the character to Read a Magic User Scroll.
1 Shows the percentage chance for the character to Turn Undead.
DIALOG 133 Edit Good Conditions Dialog
1.1 Gets rid of this dialog and changes the characters Conditions to what are shown.
1 Gets rid of this dialog without changing the characters Conditions.
1 Sets all the Good Conditions to their permanent maximum. If you hold Option(or Alternate) ¬
down while pressing this button, it clears all the good conditions.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Blessed. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Shielded from Hits. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character has Missile Shield. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Regenerating. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character has Fire Protection. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character has Cold Protection. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character has Electrical Protection. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character has a Chemical Barrier. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Psi Shielded. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Protected from harmful 1st level spells. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Protected from harmful 2nd level spells. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Protected from harmful 3rd level spells. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Protected from harmful 4th level spells. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Protected from harmful 5th level spells. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Strong. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character has Protection from Evil. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Speedy. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Invisible. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Reflecting Spells. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Reflecting Attacks. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character causing Bonus Damage. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Absorbing Energy. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Absorbing Spells. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character has Increased Defence. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
28.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
28.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
29.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
29.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
30.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
30.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
31.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
31.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
32.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
32.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
33.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
33.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
34.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
34.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
35.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
35.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
36.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
36.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
37.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
37.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
38.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
38.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
39.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
39.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
40.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
40.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
41.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
41.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
42.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
42.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
43.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
43.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
44.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
44.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
45.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
45.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
46.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
46.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
47.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
47.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
48.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
48.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
49.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
49.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
50.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
50.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
51.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
51.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
DIALOG 134 Edit Bad Conditions Dialog
1.1 Gets rid of this dialog and changes the characters Conditions to what are shown.
1 Gets rid of this dialog without changing the characters Conditions.
1 Gets rid of all the bad conditions. If you hold Option(or Alternate) ¬
down while pressing this button, it sets all the bad conditions to their permanent maximum.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is In Retreat. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Helpless. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Entangled. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Cursed. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Stupid. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Moving Slowly. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Poisoned. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Animated. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Turned To Stone. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Blind. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Diseased. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Confused. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Losing Energy. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character has Hindered Attacks. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character has Hindered Defence. Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
1 Shows for how many rounds the character is Silenced(can't cast spells). Generally, the greater this value ¬
the more pronounced the condition is.
20.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
20.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
21.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
21.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
22.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
22.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
23.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
23.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
24.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
24.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
25.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
25.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
26.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
26.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
27.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
27.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
28.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
28.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
29.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
29.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
30.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
30.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
31.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
31.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
32.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
32.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
33.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
33.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
34.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
34.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
35.1 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Not checked because the condition is not permanent.
35.3 Indicates whether the condition is permanent. Checked because the condition is permanent.
DIALOG 135 Edit Spells Dialog
1.1 Gets rid of this dialog and changes the characters Spells to what are shown.
1 Gets rid of this dialog without changing the characters Spells.
26.1 Gives the character all the Spells. If you hold Option(or Alternate) ¬
down while pressing this button, it removes all the Spells.
3.1 Shows what level 1 spells a character has.
3.3 Shows what level 1 spells a character has. Checked because you are viewing level ¬
1 spells at the moment.
4.1 Shows what level 2 spells a character has.
4.3 Shows what level 2 spells a character has. Checked because you are viewing level ¬
2 spells at the moment.
5.1 Shows what level 3 spells a character has.
5.3 Shows what level 3 spells a character has. Checked because you are viewing level ¬
3 spells at the moment.
6.1 Shows what level 4 spells a character has.
6.3 Shows what level 4 spells a character has. Checked because you are viewing level ¬
4 spells at the moment.
7.1 Shows what level 5 spells a character has.
7.3 Shows what level 5 spells a character has. Checked because you are viewing level ¬
5 spells at the moment.
8.1 Shows what level 6 spells a character has.
8.3 Shows what level 6 spells a character has. Checked because you are viewing level ¬
6 spells at the moment.
9.1 Shows what level 7 spells a character has.
9.3 Shows what level 7 spells a character has. Checked because you are viewing level ¬
7 spells at the moment.
10.1 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Not checked because the character does not know the spell.
10.3 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Checked because the character does know the spell.
11.1 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Not checked because the character does not know the spell.
11.3 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Checked because the character does know the spell.
12.1 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Not checked because the character does not know the spell.
12.3 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Checked because the character does know the spell.
13.1 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Not checked because the character does not know the spell.
13.3 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Checked because the character does know the spell.
14.1 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Not checked because the character does not know the spell.
14.3 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Checked because the character does know the spell.
15.1 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Not checked because the character does not know the spell.
15.3 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Checked because the character does know the spell.
16.1 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Not checked because the character does not know the spell.
16.3 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Checked because the character does know the spell.
17.1 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Not checked because the character does not know the spell.
17.3 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Checked because the character does know the spell.
18.1 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Not checked because the character does not know the spell.
18.3 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Checked because the character does know the spell.
19.1 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Not checked because the character does not know the spell.
19.3 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Checked because the character does know the spell.
20.1 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Not checked because the character does not know the spell.
20.3 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Checked because the character does know the spell.
21.1 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Not checked because the character does not know the spell.
21.3 Indicates whether the character knows the spell. Checked because the character does know the spell.
27.2 Description of spell with thick black checkbox. Hold the Option(sometimes called Alternate) ¬
key down while clicking on a spell the get that spells description without checking or ¬
unchecking the check box.
MENU 2000 Class
0.1 This allows you to choose the characters class
1.1 This makes your character a Fighter.
1.3 Tired? Fed up? Why no try a change of occupation?.
2.1 This makes your character a Monk.
2.3 Tired? Fed up? Why no try a change of occupation?.
3.1 This makes your character a Paladin. Incidentally, did you know Paladins can ¬
cast Clerical spells? It makes these guys pretty powerful if they have more than ¬
one attack per round, they can fight and then cast a spell…
3.3 Tired? Fed up? Why no try a change of occupation?.
4.1 This makes your character a Ranger.
4.3 Tired? Fed up? Why no try a change of occupation?.
5.1 This makes your character a Thief.
5.3 Tired? Fed up? Why no try a change of occupation?.
6.1 This makes your character a Magic User.
6.3 Tired? Fed up? Why no try a change of occupation?.
7.1 This makes your character a Cleric.
7.3 Tired? Fed up? Why no try a change of occupation?.
8.1 This makes your character an Enchanter.
8.3 Tired? Fed up? Why no try a change of occupation?.
MENU 2001 Race
0.1 This allows you to choose the characters race
1.1 This makes your character a Human.
1.3 This makes your character a Human. Checked because you are a Human.
2.1 This makes your character a Drow Elf.
2.3 This makes your character a Drow Elf. Checked because you are a Drow Elf.
3.1 This makes your character an Elf.
3.3 This makes your character an Elf. Checked because you are an Elf.
4.1 This makes your character an Orc.
4.3 This makes your character an Orc. Checked because you are an Orc.
5.1 This makes your character a Halfling.
5.3 This makes your character a Halfling. Checked because you are a Halfling.
6.1 This makes your character a Gnome.
6.3 This makes your character a Gnome. Checked because you are a Gnome.
7.1 This makes your character a Dwarf.
7.3 This makes your character a Dwarf. Checked because you are a Dwarf.
8.1 This makes your character a Half Elf.
8.3 This makes your character a Half Elf. Checked because you are a Half Elf.
9.1 This makes your character a Half Orc.
9.3 This makes your character a Half Orc. Checked because you are a Half Orc.
MENU 2002 Religion
0.1 This allows you to choose the characters religion
1.1 This makes your character Lawfully Good.
1.3 This makes your character Lawfully Good. Checked because you are Lawfully Good.
2.1 This makes your character Chaotically Good.
2.3 This makes your character Chaotically Good. Checked because you are Chaotically Good.
3.1 This makes your character Neutral Good.
3.3 This makes your character Neutral Good. Checked because you are Neutral Good.
4.1 This makes your character Neutral.
4.3 This makes your character Neutral. Checked because you are Neutral.
5.1 This makes your character Neutral Evil.
5.3 This makes your character Neutral Evil. Checked because you are Neutral Evil.
6.1 This makes your character Chaotically Evil.
6.3 This makes your character Chaotically Evil. Checked because you are Chaotically Evil.
7.1 This makes your character Lawfully Evil.
7.3 This makes your character Lawfully Evil. Checked because you are Lawfully Evil.
MENU 2003 Gender
0.1 This allows you to choose the characters gender
1.1 Fancy a sex change?.
1.3 Checked because you are male.
2.1 Fancy a sex change?.
2.3 Checked because you are female.
MENU 1000 Apple
1.1 Displays a groovy dialog box telling you about Realmz Character Editor and next weeks ¬
winning lottery numbers.
1.2 Displays a groovy dialog box telling you about Realmz Character Editor and next weeks ¬
winning lottery numbers†. Not available until you dismiss the current dialog box.¬
†One of these statements isn't true…
MENU 1001 File
0.1 Use this menu to open and close characters you want to edit.
0.2 Use this menu to open and close characters you want to edit. Not available because ¬
you have to dismiss the dialog before continuing.
1.1 Open a character. Allows you to open a character to cheat, er, I mean edit…
1.2 Open a character. Allows you to open a character to cheat, er, I mean edit… Not available ¬
because you must dismiss the current dialog first before opening another character file.
2.1 Closes the front character. If you have made changes to it you will be asked if you ¬
wish to save it.
2.2 Closes the front character. Not available because there are no characters open or ¬
the front character cannot be closed.
4.1 Saves changes to the front character.
4.2 Saves changes to the front character. Not available because there have not been any ¬
changes made to the front character or there are no characters open.
5.1 Reverts front character to last saved version.
5.2 Reverts front character to last saved version. Not available because there have not been any ¬
changes made to the front character or there are no characters open.
7.1 Displays a file selector dialog so you can locate your copy of Realmz. ¬
This is the only item available because you must show me where your copy of Realmz is so ¬
I can get information from it such as spell names.
7.2 Displays a file selector dialog so you can locate your copy of Realmz. ¬
Not available because you have already located Realmz. Thank you.
9.1 Exits Realmz Character Editor. You will be asked if you wish to save changes to any ¬
edited characters. *sniff* I'll miss you if you go…
9.2 Exits Realmz Character Editor. You will be asked if you wish to save changes to any ¬
edited characters. Not available because you have to dismiss the current dialog first. ¬
Mwahh ha ha haaaaaa… You will never escape from here Mr. Bond…
MENU 1002 Edit
0.1 Use this menu to work with text.
0.2 Use this menu to work with text. Not available because ¬
you have no windows or dialogs open with editable text.
1.1 Reverses your last action.
1.2 Reverses your last action. Not available because you cannot undo your last action.
3.1 Deletes selected text and places it on the clipboard.
3.2 Deletes selected text and places it on the clipboard. Not available because no text is ¬
selected in the active window or dialog.
4.1 Copies selected text onto the clipboard and leaves the selected text on screen.
4.2 Copies selected text onto the clipboard and leaves the selected text on screen. Not available because no text is ¬
selected in the active window or dialog.
5.1 Pastes text on Clipboard at insertion point in the active window or dialog.
5.2 Pastes text on Clipboard at insertion point in the active window or dialog. Not available because no text is ¬
selected in the active window or dialog.
6.1 Deletes the selected text in the active window or dialog.
6.2 Deletes the selected text in the active window or dialog. Not available because no text is ¬
selected in the active window or dialog.
7.1 Selects all text in the current text box being edited.
7.2 Selects all text in the current text box being edited. Not available because no text is ¬
selected in the active window or dialog.
MENU 1003 Special
0.1 Use this menu to edit special information about the current character.
0.2 Use this menu to edit special information about the current character. Not available because ¬
there are no open characters or a dialog box is open.
1.1 Allows you to edit the current characters' special abilities.
1.2 Allows you to edit the current characters' special abilities. Not available because ¬
there are no open characters or a dialog box is open.
2.1 Allows you to edit the current characters' special information.
2.2 Allows you to edit the current characters' special information. Not available because ¬
there are no open characters or a dialog box is open.
4.1 Allows you to edit the current characters' good conditions.
4.2 Allows you to edit the current characters' good conditions. Not available because ¬
there are no open characters or a dialog box is open.
5.1 Allows you to edit the current characters' bad conditions.
5.2 Allows you to edit the current characters' bad conditions. Not available because ¬
there are no open characters or a dialog box is open.
7.1 Allows you to edit the current characters' spells.
7.2 Allows you to edit the current characters' spells. Not available because ¬
the current character cannot cast spells or there are no open characters or a dialog box ¬
is open.